Monday, January 24, 2011

Getting deeper...January 3, 2008- "First OB"

I went to the OB/GYN today for my first prenatal appointment. Other than the cold steel cervix crusher, it went rather nicely. I am 8 weeks and 3 days along. I am only allowed to gain 30 total lbs throughout the pregnancy because of the diabetes, and have already gained 10 of them....oy yoy! And because of the high risk of the pregnancy and the risk of stillbirth and/or an overly large baby, they will be taking the baby by repeat c-section at 36 1/2 weeks. Which makes the baby due almost to the day of my birthday. So, I am a little nervous, but everything will be ok. Darrell is pretty much a drill sargeant when it comes to my health, thank God...because I can't do it by myself. I am so lucky to have him. He is the absolute best man a girl could ask for. So, my next appointment is on February 5th and I will let you all know how it goes!

And deeper! December 21, 2007- "Baby on Board!!"

That's right! I am approximately 5 1/2 weeks pregnant! I go in for my first official ob/gyn appointment on January 3rd. We are SO happy, it is unreal! I feel like it is a dream :)

I will keep you all posted on the progression!

Getting deeper...October 21, 2007 "The SWEETEST sweetest day ever!!"

So, as you all know, yesterday was Sweetest Day. I, myself, have never celebrated it because frankly, I didn't give a shit. However, I was pleasantly surprised by what Darrell had in store for me. I got home from work and was told to get dressed to go out. So, we went to Red Lobster to eat and I think we had the biggest bill in the place, lol! We had crab legs, scallops, crab cakes....and a 3 POUND LOBSTER. That bad boy was massive! I had a few margaritas and got my buzz going. We made a stop at Priscilla's and got some "accessories"...Then, we drove to the Holiday Inn and stayed in the presidential suite, the biggest room in the hotel, and it was awesome. Biggest bed I have ever....slept.... in. And the sex....well, let's just leave that subject alone for once as I don't have enough space on the entire internet to blog about it. Then in the morning, we got room service and had a wonderful  breakfast in bed :D I had the best time ever. Darrell is so amazing to me, I can't even believe it. I am seriously the luckiest woman ever to walk the face of the earth. I don't know what I would do without him now. He is the love of my life.

Well, I hope your Sweetest Day was as awesome as mine was, but I doubt it. Oh boy, can't wait to see what he has planned for Valentines!!

Getting deeper...September 27, 2007- "One more thing about the bling"

For all of you who wonder, it was my mothers engagement ring. I told my momma 2 days before she died that if I was ever going to get engaged, I would use her engagement ring. I went and had the band re-sized and then I put it away for the right time. When Darrell dropped on one knee and asked me to marry him, I told him I wanted to wear my mommas ring. So I broke it out of hibernation and have been wearing it ever since. I am sure that he would have went and found me a beautiful engagement ring, but he knows how much it means to me to wear my mommas. And my momma would have absolutely LOVED Darrell. So I know it means alot to her too, looking down. And it is actually a beautiful ring. It "wows" the jewelers when I take it to get it cleaned. It is 99% flawless. It is just over a karat and is worth triple the amount of many diamond solitaires you would buy in a store. I know I sound like I am bragging, but my step-dad spared nothing when it came to my momma. He only gave her the best. So I am proud to wear this beautiful ring. I only  hope (and I know it will) bring Darrell and I as much happiness as it did for Matt and my momma.

Getting deeper...September 27, 2007- "The Luckiest"

I was at work today and some random male customer asked me if that was an engagement ring I was wearing. I said it was and he replied "He is one very lucky man". I looked up from my paperwork and said "I am one very lucky woman".

To which all of my lady coworkers agreed immensely and started swooning, again, over how hot Darrell was pretty funny :D

Getting deeper...September 18, 2007- "I don't mean to turn this into an 'All about Darrell website' but..."

he is just so amazing, I can't contain it! You know you found the right guy when you are putting your little girl to bed and he comes in and askes if he can lead the bedtime prayer. We held hands and he talked to Jesus and it was absolutely wonderful. It brought me to tears. Why? Because after 11 years of raising my little girl alone and praying alone with her every night, it felt like we finally have solid emotional support. Like we finally have the father that she needs.I remember being a small girl and having my daddy pray with me at night and feeling so safe afterwards. It was such a small gesture, but it could possibly have been the one thing that cemented this whole relationship together. If nothing else he is has ever done made me love him unconditionally, this did. A family that prays together, stays together. I know that sounds so corny, but it is so true. I swear, I thank God for the day that I walked down that hill and laid eyes on Darrell. For all the bad things that have happened in my life, God really made up for it by sending me this man.

Getting deeper...September 17, 2007- "We finally told my dad..."

that Darrell asked me to marry him. We had went to my nieces wedding on Saturday and I guess the wedding put Darrell in a romantic mood (that plus the liquor) and he told my dad that we are getting married soon. He was going into detail about the plans and everything with him. It was so cute :) My brother Mike is probably gonna be the best man because all of Darrells family and friends are in Alabama. He loves my brother anyways. And I am gonna have my sister, Kari, as my Maiden of Honor. Mattie will be the flower girl. It will not be big so don't plan on being invited. It is most likely going to be a family event. However, we will have a reception and to that I will invite you all.. I will provide the open bar, but we are gonna go redneck when it comes to the food, so we will see who brings what. It will be a smorgasbord of all kinds of shit. No theme. No catering. Just fun! It won't be for a few months yet, so don't get too excited for me yet :) 
So, yeah, I love him and our life is moving on to the next step. I am looking forward to being his wife, for sure

The Begining...August 16, 2007- "And I am not done bragging yet"

Now he is out fixing the brakes on my car :D What a guy! I believe he took care of the knocking noise in my engine as well. Sexy, romantic, knows how to fix a car.....I am one lucky girl!

The Beginning...September 16, 2007- "To all my girls who are in a relationship"

Has your man ever looked you in the eye and sang love songs to you as you are making love? You should try it some time, it is out of this world. Especially if your man can sing like mine can. I mean, talk about the epitome of romanticism. Tremendous. He never ceases to amaze me. Everyday it is something new that shows me how much he is in love with me. I couldn't ask for anything more :D

August 21, 2007- "Whoo hoo! It is finally over!!"

WoooooHooooo! Darrell is all mine! Only a short matter of time now before we can get married and be happy for the rest of our lives!! I am so excited I could do a cartwheel. And I would but for fear of giving myself two black eyes! I am such a happy girl, my life couldn't be better.
And the babies are doing great. One has opened an eye, only one though, so we will call him Hook. As in Captain Hook. And the other has been lovingly named Steve-O. Don't ask me why. I figure it is better than JackAss which is what Darrell wanted to originally name him. I can't wait to get some pics on here! They are ADORABLE!!.
Mattie is starting school next week. I can't believe how fast the summer went. She will be in 5th grade. Fuck the summer, I can't believe how fast the last almost 11 years has went. I love her, she is so beautiful.
Well, I am off to hang out with my hunny bunny. Have a great night ya'll, I know I will!!

August 18, 2007- "A shmoke und a pancake? A flapjack und a shigarette? No? Shigar und a waffle? No? Pipe und a crepe? No? Bong und a blintz? No? Well, then there ish no pleashing you."

I hate to see Darrell stressed out. It stresses me out too. I try to keep his life as stress free as possible. He has been through too much bullshit to have to deal with that kind of nonsense. He deserves better and I plan on giving him the best. I want him to know that when he comes home from work, his dinner will be ready, his clothes will be washed and his house will be clean. I want him to be assured that he will come home to a serene, non-fighting environment. I do not like to argue. Especially with him. We don't ever argue, but if we were to, I would hate it. So, I will make sure I do everything I can to make him happy, because he does everything in his power to keep a smile on my face. I LOVE YOU, BABY!!!!
Mattie told Darrell she loved him last night. That is a huge stepping stone. It was totally voluntary and it made me cry when he told me about it :) She has been severely jaded in the past and it is taking her a little while to trust him. However, she did tell him the other day that her real dad is a zero and that Darrell is a ten :) That makes me so happy. I just want her to be happy and him to be happy and everyone to be happy! Only good things to come. That pot of gold just keeps getting bigger and bigger.
Well, Go Browns!

The Beginning...August 13, 2007- "Once Again"

I am a happy girl. The bitch has laid off and I am able to get on my computer without having to wonder what venim she is gonna spit next. See, what she doesn't understand is that her words towards me mean nothing. I have him, he is mine, he is not going anywhere and whatever she says to me, makes me want him that much more. However, she did insinuate words towards the failed pregnancy that I just went through. And that might cause her some serious problems. I will let it go for now, however, becase she has backed off.  And we will get on with our lives and Darrell and I will continue to be happy.
So, my tummy is feeling like shit. It feels like they sewed me up wrong. Seems like my muscles are being pulled too tightly over my hips. I don't remember it feeling like this when I had my two c-sections, and it was basically the same incision. Oh well, who knows? We'll see if it gets better over time. Hell, it's only been a week and two days. I guess I can't expect too much too soon.
On that note, I am going over to this cash advance place that my girl told me is hiring. Hopefully I can get in there. I won't be able to do any kind of waitressing for another few weeks so that last job is out of the question. Wish me luck. Specify good luck, please...I have had all the bad luck I can handle.
Hope you all have a grand ole time. Tata for now and talk to ya all later!

The Beginning...August 11, 2007

 This is in reference to his ex-wife slandering me on myspace...

Wow, this bitch has seriously started a war. She really does not know who she has fucked with. I am sure that if she knew what I was capable of, she would have held her tongue. But, she has done lit the fire. Let's pray to God for her sake that I never see her in person, because she will seriously regret every word she has ever uttered against me. And that is on everything I love. She has broken the gate and the flood is coming. She had better stay as far down in Alabama as she can away from me because hell hath no fury. You can talk about me all you want... but when you bring my children, here or unborn, into the equation, you had better run for your life. And that is a promise.

The Beginning...August 8, 2007- "Another loss :("

 People say it is not the same as losing a baby that has actually been born. But being in both positions, I can safely say that it is. I didn't get to meet this baby, I didn't even know I was pregnant, but when I found out that we had lost her, it hurt just as bad. I say "her" because I have a feeling she was a girl. I could be wrong, but I am not going to call her an "it". We were just discussing baby names the night before. I was telling Darrell the names that I liked, but in the back of my head I was thinking it would never happen, and that it was fun pretending. I was shocked when the nurse told me I was pregnant. My head was spinning and I couldn't wait to get back to the room and tell Darrell. I knew he would be ecstatic.  I told him and all we could do was sit there and grin at each other. Then he turned it to the newborn channel and told me he needed to start watching it to brush up on having a newborn around. I can't stand that channel now. The doctor came in and told me that the baby was in my right fallopian tube and that it had burst. The baby had died. At least I had a good half hour of being on cloud nine. I had been bleeding for 3 days and my abdomen was filled with  blood. She said it was one of the worst, and largest, tubal pregnancies she had ever seen. Usually they burst in the first couple of weeks, our baby was gonna give it all she had. She wanted to live. All I know is that she is with her big sissy in heaven now. Livie will take good care of her. And my momma is probably spoiling her rotten too. I am scared to try again. But I will. I can't explain the feeling I had when they first told me we were pregnant. I want that feeling again, but I want it to last this time. It will be at least 6 months before we can try again, so pray for me. I don't think I can handle losing another one. But at the same time you can't live in fear. I have the best man in the universe. He never left my side the entire time I was in the hospital. He loves me so much. He even washed my hair for me and talked to the doctors for me when I was too tired or didn't feel well. I am proud that I was carrying his baby. And I will be proud to carry his baby again when the time is right.
So, tata for now. Go hug your children and thank God that you have them :D

The beginning....July 15, 2007- "Life as it is"

I haven't written in quite some time. I guess I have been too busy with my new life, which as it is, is wonderful. Darrell and I are getting along famously. I love him with every bit of my heart. We actually had our first real argument the other night. It was, how shall we say.... interesting? I know now that we can make it through anything. We won't give up, no matter what. We are going to prove all the skeptics wrong. There is one thing I am proud to say that we have in our relationship and that is compromise. It is definitely a two way street and we both know when to give and take. I had heard through the grapevine that Darrell can be selfish, I have not found this to be true one tiny bit. He is such a giving man. He is willing to work with me on any subject. He is more about making me happy and seeing me smile than anyone I have ever met. I guess it is just being with the right person that will bring out your qualities. And being with the wrong one that might bring out your faults. Or at least what they see as faults. We are so strong together and nothing is going to tear us apart.

The beginning...June 30, 2007- "How sweet"

Soooo, we were sitting there talking last night about our whole situation. I asked him if he was really sure that this is what he wants and if he is really sure that he loves me. His response? "I love you with every beat of my heart. If I could take it out I would hand it to you.......but then you would probably forget it at home like you forget everything and I would have to go back and grab it for you"... Ahhhhh, comedic romanticism.....ya gotta love it! I love this man. And I didn't have to take out my heart for him to have a hold of it, cuz it is right in the palm of his hand.
June 24, 2007- "Some say the "X" makes the sex spec..."

tacular!! But I wouldn't know about that cuz they were duds. However, the liquor was not a dud at all. We went to a place called La Porte and started the night out. Had about 4 absolut and crans there then headed to a place called Slim and Chubby's....met with Darrells boss and his gf there....had a couple more....headed to Saddle Ranch. From there, the night is a blur. I do remember everything, but it was intense. Tanya and I went onto the dancefloor and made up our own line dances...had I not been in a mini skirt, my ass would have been on the mechanical bull. Darrell got violated by Eric and Rob, no details, but it was f'ing hilarious. I had about a million more drinks... and then the big, ugly, green monster also known as "Drunken Telly" emerged from out of nowhere. Well, it wasn't out of nowhere,  Darrell disappeared and then kinda chose the wrong way to joke with me about it at the time.  And since the bar was essentially empty, and no one to take it out on, I turned to the source. Well, needless to say, Darrell will never joke with me again about disappearing with 10 bitches when I am drunk. There wasn't even 10 bitches there. lol. I love him so much. And  I always will. He is my baby. So, next weekend is the boss' boat and Shooters. No liquor for me, thenx! I have a week to lose some weight to look good in my bikini....oh boy....So, that is all for now. Hope you all are great! Be safe and have a good week :D

The beginning...cont

June 22, 2007 "Date Night!!"

Yay! Darrell is taking me out tonight! I can't wait :D I am going to get dressed up all prettyful and go out to dinner with my hunny bunny! I know, doesn't seem like such a big deal, but to me it means that thing are going well.  His new job is kick ass and he loves it. He has been there less than a week and has already got a huge raise. That's what happens when you are a hard working man and not a lazy bum like most guys that I know. It is so hard now-a-days  to find a man who is willing to get out there and bust his ass to support his family, and I found one. That is one of the first things my dad actually said about Darrell. He said "Damn, Tel, this guy is a hard working man, I like that". So, I have daddy's approval and that is just fine with me.
Hopefully I will get to hang out with my little brother tonight, it has been too long. I miss him lots and lots. I want him to get to know Darrell better because I know they are gonna get along so well. So, if anyone wants to go out to Amherst tonight, let me know because that is probably where we will be. The more, the merrier!
So, I think tomorrow I might actually have a more exiting blog if things go well tonight. The combination of me, my brother, all of his rowdy friends and liquor may prove interesting, to say the least. Every time I go out with them, it is always an experience I will never forget. So, stay tuned and prepare for a good one. Later all!

The beginning....June 17, 2007- "O-H-I-O"

Well, Darrell and I just got back from a wonderful weekend in Michigan. We went out to visit his cousin Craig who is a hoot and a half. They are like two peas in a pod and we had a blast! We hung out at his buddy's pond all day and then we went to a little bar with Craig's mom and step-dad. They sang Karaoke and we both got hit on like crazy, it was hilarious. There was a bachlorette party and Darrell and I were trying to figure out who had the best set of tits out of all the girls. I still beat them all, though. Yeah, the old woman still has it ;)  And I got to see his cousin naked when he came out of his bedroom after having sex with his girlfriend and he was walking around the apartment with absolutely no shame. I didn't look though after I realized he was still at full salute......Crazy boy...I really got along with Craig's momma, we clicked immediately. Good times, great people. I am having the time of my life. I love him so much.  So, yeah, Happy Father's Day to all of you out there. Except Matt, who can fuck off for all I care.  Hope it is a wonderful day and I will talk to you all later!

The Beginning....June 13, 2007- "How goes it?"

It is going wonderful! Darrel and I are having a blast! He has already landed a great job and starts tomorrow morning bright and early. He has also had a few other offers for some really good positions, so if one doesn't work out, another will.  I am so happy he is here. All we have been doing is hanging out, visiting friends and spending time together. I see this lasting a really long time, if not forever. I only wish my momma was here to meet him. I am sure she is looking down approving anyways. She would have loved him. I sure do (no matter what anyone thinks).
I am going to go out tomorrow morning when Darrell leaves for work and try to find a day job. That way I will have the evenings free to spend with him and Mattie. If anyone knows of anyplace that is hiring, let me know. I have a college education and have experience in damn near everything.  So anyways, I am off to the park now for some hiking. I will keep you all updated on how things are going. A big thank you to all who have given us your support. Darrell and I really appreciate it. You will never know how much it means to us. Love you guys! ttfn!~

The beginning....June 12, 2007- To "Whom It May Concern:"

This blog was written in direct correlation to a letter via myspace that I received from his mother (whom I am dear friends with now, but not so much at the time)

I am going to write a little statement here to whomever would like to read it. Take it how you will.
First and foremost, I mean no harm to anyone. I cannot help it that circumstances have led Darrell and I together. It happened and that is the way that it is. I have never and would never disrepect you. My own mother is dead and I would never in a million years disrepect the mother of someone that I love. However, I do not appreciate the fact that you judge me so harshly. You say I do not know you, well you do not know me. I am a bartender at a small mexican restaurant, not a strip club. I am a hardworking single mother and I bust my ass to keep food on my little girls plate. Honestly, I am not seeking your approval anyways. Darrell accepts me for who I am and if you can't, then so be it. As far as the current situation, all I can go by is what I am recieving on Darrells end. I don't know what the whole situation is over there, that is true. But, I know what he tells me and that is good enough for me. I would never "take" him away from you. That was solely his decision. And as far as his children, he has full intentions of being involved in their lives. And no distance will change that. Have car, will travel. So, before you go yelling at me about judging someone, you need to take a step back and realize that you are doing just that to me. Would that be a little like the pot calling the kettle black? I think so. I wish that things could be under better circumstances, but that isn't possible at this point. So, I am not gonna try to kiss your ass to make you like me because, frankly, he loves me and thats all that matters. I will, however, be as kosher to you as possible and hope that we can get along someday. Until then, have a good one and tata for now.

The beginning...June 11, 2007- "Moons Over Miami"

He is getting on the plane as I type! I am so excited! I am taking Mattie swimming and by the time I have accomplished a beautiful brown tan, he will be in Cleveland. I pick him up tonight at 6pm. Oh, prepare for a looooong night, baby...cuz I am gonna tear you apart. Thank God I don't have to work for the next couple days because I probably won't be able to walk. I know, TMI...but I don't care! I will get up on a mountain and scream how good the sex is!! But he loves me and it makes it that much better ;) So I am off to tan now, my little friends. Don't plan on hearing from me for a few days as I will be locked in my bedroom with my hunny-bunny! ttfn~! 

The beginning...June 7, 2007- "Oh the Humanity!"

 This blog was about his ex-wife. He had went to see his little girl while he was back in Alabama getting some last minute things in order before his move. She tried to lure him back into her we and when he refused, she got angry....very angry.

How bad does it suck that when a woman puts her hands on a man and bites and kicks and slaps she gets no repercussions? If that same man did the same thing to her, his ass would end up in jail with a domestic violence charge against him. I can't stand psycho bitches. One day, however, they will get theirs...
If he isn't yours anymore, keep your hands to yourself. Fuck, even if he was yours still, you have no right to think you can slap someone around because you are pissed. I would never stoop to that level. I am grown enough to be able to talk my problems out (I will, however, beat the brakes off a bitch if need be. That is a proven fact.). I mean shit, bow out gracefully. If he doesn't want you anymore, what in the world do you think you can do about it? Especially after he has found someone who will really appreciate him for the wonderful man that he is. Not to mention that next to you, I am a freaking super model, lmao! He thinks of me and his stomach gets butterflies, he thinks of you and his stomach turns...get a clue. He is mine now and your rights have been stripped, darlin'. And all that violent shit is gonna come to an abrupt end. Trust and believe.
So, on a happier note...I got the job. I will be bartending at Glitter on 254 if anyone wants to come in and keep me company. I know, I know, not the best place to be working, but as far as I can tell I will be making a lot of $. You know, my people skills and killer smile have been known to work wonders for me. And now that I have incentive and a goal I am trying to reach, I will definitely be laying on the charm.
And on an even happier note...I am getting the thumbs up from everyone who has met Darrell. I am even getting the thumbs up from those who have not met him, but just read my blogs about him. He is the most wonderful man I have ever met. He is dealing with some major bullshit right now, but we are gonna be just fine. I can't wait for him to get here to his new home and start a new life with me. I will be one happy girl. Hell, I have never been as happy as I am since the day I met him. I knew God had a plan, I just needed a little patience. Good things come to those who wait. That's my story and I'm sticking to it ;)
Oh yes....Today was Mattie's last day of school and the awards ceremony. Well, my beautiful little girl got an award for having an A/B final average for the school year. She is so smart. I love her. She gets it from her momma ;)

The beginning...June 6, 2007- "Sweet Home Ala...Ohio??"

Well, as things normally go in my so-called life, plans have once again changed. I am no longer going to be moving to Alabama. However, the love of my life will be moving right up here to Ohio to be with me instead! I had an absolute blast with him in Alabama, but I guess things just aren't ready to work out for us down there, so we are going to start out our life together here. He should have no problem finding a job here, as he is well qualified for an assortment of employment opportunities. And I am going to keep on bartending for the time being until we get a little money saved up and decide what to do and where to go from there. Who knows, we may very well end up in beautiful Alabama, but for right now we are gonna stay here and make my daddy a happy guy. Darrel's flight will be arriving on Monday evening so I have a lot of cleaning and re-arranging to do at the house. And tonight I am off to find that job I turned down to move to Alabama...hope it is still available.....I'm sure it is. Well, I will keep you all updated. Maybe we can throw a welcoming party at dads to welcome my baby home ;) I will let you all know about that too. Keep next weekend open! ttfn!

The beginning...May 28, 2007- "By the light of the silvery....lamp?"

We were in the room and a song came on the radio. He walked over to me, took my hand and danced with me until it was over...Then he pulled back and looked at me in the eyes and told me I am his best friend. He said that's how he knows we are going to be together forever because I am not only his woman but his best friend. I love this man with all of my heart, soul and mind. And he can dance! Damn! I am so looking forward to the rest of my life now....

the beginning...May 25, 2007- "Livin Our Love Song"

How can it be that one certain person can infect every thought process you have? How can it be that just when you thought that your heart was ruined for good and that you would never feel butterflies again, the One comes along and changes everything? How can one person be so absolutely perfect for you that when you find him, you don't know how you ever got through life without him? How can one person make you feel so safe and protected, like nothing and no one in this universe can hurt you as long as he is around? When I am sad, the sound of his voice makes everything better. When I am tired, all I want is to rest my head on his shoulder with his arms around me. My favorite sound is him breathing as he is falling asleep. And even after a long day at work, all I want to do is bury my face in his chest and smell the scent of his beautiful skin. He makes everything that was in the past disappear, and makes me only want to look to the future. I couldn't be happier.... 

The beginning... May 24, 2007- "Sweet Home Alabama"

 More from the beginning:

This is seriously, finally, definately and indubitably the man I was looking for. For those of you who have been fortunate enough to make his aquaintance, you know what I am talking about. We are absolutely perfect for each other. We click, we have SO much in common and we get along famously. He is taking me to Alabama next week for a mini vacation. We are going to look at some houses while we are down there. Him and his buddy, Derrick, are gonna be taking me canoeing, horsbacking in the mountains, they are gonna sky dive and all sorts of other fun stuff. I can't wait. I am gonna get to meet his family. I hope they like me. He assures me that they are going to fall in love with me. But hell, who wouldn't ;) Things are really starting to look up for Mattie and myself.  I know I have had hare-brained ideas in the past. Like wanting to move to Florida and thinking that other situations were going to work out, but they didn't for a reason. God has me in the palm of his hand and I trust that he is leading me in the direction he wants me to take. I have been praying and thinking about it everyday and I just can't seem to find a doubt that this is what I want to do. Alot of times before, I would say "Oh, I wanna do this and I wanna do that" but in the back of my mind, I wondered if I was making the right decision. I don't have that voice telling me to be careful this time. It just feels right. And a good friend once told me just to follow my heart, and that is exactly what I intend on doing. I think Mattie would be better off raised in a small southern town somewhere anyways, get her away from the pressures of South Lorain. I really don't want her growing up on Pearl Avenue like I did. I just want so much more for her and I believe he can give it to us. I love him so much in this short little time. And I don't ever see that ending.

The beginning....cont

 This was said to me by my then 10 year old daughter upon meeting the man I would marry someday. He has a deep southern accent and him and his buddy must have come across as well...

"Mommy, are they cowboys?"
 ~THE greatest line ever.

The beginning...May 10, 2007- "Yee-Haw!!"

This blog was written three days after I met my wonderful husband. I knew the day I laid eyes on him that he was the one. So, here is the start of a beautiful relationship:

Remember that country boy I was talking about finding? Guess what?!? I didn't have to find him, he fell in my lap. He is the prettiest thing I have ever laid my eyes on. Seriously, he makes my heart stop when I think about him. Absolutely gorgeous...I know what you are all thinking. No one is good enough for Tel according to her. Well, this one is. He is damn near perfect in every way. Hell, he IS perfect. There are some minor details that need to be worked out, but everything will smooth over just fine. I can feel it. I guess it's about time I went politically correct. Maybe that's been the problem this whole time. But, this is it and if it doesn't work out, I quit. No more drama for this momma. I will die an old, single woman and be just fine with it. But, I don't see that happening now. Like I said in previous blogs, I just wanna be happy and I think this might be my break. They say that you find happiness when you aren't looking for it. And that's exactly what happened. I gave up and BAM! There it was. Thank God for mud!!~! 

The things that needed to be worked out at that time was that he was still technically married to his ex wife. Yes, I know, I know...just wait until they are divorced, right? Well, he still lived out of state and it just wasn't going to work that way.  It was a whirlwind romance and had to be done quick, fast and in a hurry. Stay tuned!

The beginning...May 2, 2007- "In like Flynn"

I thought I was new to blogging, but then I remembered that I blogged tons when I first met my husband. So, this is going to refresh my memory of first love and give everyone out there some reading entertainment. I will start from the beginning.

This particular blog was written the week before I met my husband. I had just broke off the 3 week engagement to a man I had known for years and dated briefly in 2002. I left him in 2002 when I met the man I would be with for the next 5 years. When said man left me in early 2007 (karma, I tell ya), I reunited with the first guy and he quickly proposed. A few weeks later, I realized why I had left him the first time. Good guy, but just a "filler" so to speak. So, this was the day after the break up (and the 3k diamond ring I gave back).

I know these last few months have been full of twists and turns in my so-called life. I have made and broke more plans than most people do in a lifetime. I am just trying to get it right. Life for me has been nothing but a hassle and I just want to be happy. I have tried every angle possible in order to be happy and nothing ever pans out.  I finally realized that all this time I have been trying to replace something. And that is not fair to me or to anyone else. That situation is done and over with. I will never have it back and frankly, now that I realize that I don't need it, I really don't want it back. I have also come to the conclusion that I can be happy without shit loads of money (even though $ is nice to have). I can live comfortably and be happy with the person and not the pocket. I mean, I can't be with no broke ass guy, but I don't have to have a 3k diamond to make me smile.